Inspired Young Vaulter Soars Over and Over With Maggie on Kindle!
Amazon-com, Android, Angus & Robertson, Brian Carrel, Girls Sports, Grant Overstake, IESA Track and Field, Illinois Track and Field, Indie Bound, Inspirational Sports Stories, iPad, iPhone, KELLEY GRAVES-MILLSAP, Kindle, Kirkus Reviews, Mac, Maggie Vaults Over the Moon, PC, Pole Vault Fiction, Recommended sports books for teens, Taylor Millsap, Track and Field Stories, Windows Phone 7, YA Fiction
'Maggie' Gets 5 More Stars!
5-star review, Author, Barnes & Noble, Christine Brennan, Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador, Girls Sports, Grant Overstake, Indie Bound, Inspirational Sports Stories, Kansas Farm Life, Maggie, Maggie Vaults Over the Moon, Pole Vault, Pole Vault Fiction, Pole Vaulting, Recommended sports books for teens, Shannon Clark, Sports Stories, Track and Field Stories, wholesome reading, YA Fiction, young adult sports, Young-adult fiction